DIGITALISATION – Testing of the Online Learning Tool in Focus Groups, February – March 2019



DIGITALISATION – Testing of the Online Learning Tool in Focus Groups, February – March 2019


DIGITALISATION – Testing of the Online Learning Tool in Focus Groups, February – March 2019

In February 2019, within the framework of the EU project “Digitalisation – Strategy Development Tool for the Digitalisation of SME” under Erasmus+ Programme, the first stage of the testing of the Online Learning Tool, namely testing in focus groups, was launched.

Three out of the seven project partners are responsible for this first stage of testing – the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa (Bulgaria), LVH (Italy), and IBWF (Germany). Each of them organizes one focus group. The purpose of the testing of the Online Learning Tool in focus groups is to make a qualitative assessment of its content. Two to three meetings of each of the focus groups are planned for discussion and assistance in completing the questionnaire.

Focus groups consist of representatives from SMEs within the business service sector. The first meeting of the focus group organized by CCI Vratsa, Bulgaria, took place on February 25th.  During the meeting, the testers got familiar with the objectives and goals of the project, as well as with the specifics of the testing of the Tool in particular. The questionnaire of the testing in focus groups was discussed and the group’s second meeting was scheduled.

The testing of the Online Learning Tool in focus groups will finish in March 2019. The second phase of the testing - the online testing – is scheduled to take place in April 2019.

For more information on the project, please contact Ventsislava Strahilova, CCI-Vratsa, tel.: +359 92/660271, e-mail:


The project DIGITALISATION has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.