Third partner meeting of the 2REVIVE project



Third partner meeting of the 2REVIVE project

The third Partner Meeting of the 2REVIVE project took place on 10 & 11th of January, 2019 in Gouda, Holland. It was hosted by the Holland partners, In Dialogue.

The meeting was opened with an overview of the agenda and other practical information by the host organization and by the lead partner, Avsi Polska. After that each Project Partner presented their Country report results regarding the project implementation in Poland, Bulgaria, Malta, Croatia, Italy and Holland.

Within the following talks the participants had the opportunity to review the overall performance, the cooperation and the communication between all partners. After discussing the progress and the development of IO3 - Online self-assessment tool, prototype developed by the Maltese partner Acrorsslimits, the partners planned future activities regarding the IO3 – Guide for Mentors and IO4 Guide for second chance entrepreneurs.

One of the Bulgarian partners, ECQ, being responsible for Project Quality Management presented the conducted Internal & external evaluation reports and Quality management up-date, and will provide further support to the partners in this connection.

The other Bulgarian partner, CCI-Vratsa, being coordinator of Dissemination and Exploitation Package reported the developed Dissemination and exploitation plan, as well as the created and accepted promotional materials and the overall implementation of the activity by all partners.

The partners made arrangements for the next steps of the project implementation and the event ended with evaluation and summary of the meeting.