In the period 17-18 November 2014 in Lisbon 7 partners’ organisation from 6 EU countries held the Kick-off meeting under the project “Towards a More Innovative Workplace”- InnoWork, co-financed by the Programme Erasmus+, KA2-Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices.
This project is needed because the EU market is the largest in the world but remains fragmented and insufficiently innovation-friendly and the relevance between innovation and VET has to be reassessed by Rethinking Education and much more strategic approach to innovation.
The general aim of the InnoWork project is to create a more innovation-friendly environment for EU micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and increase their business adaptability by providing the necessary training support for performing organizational innovation.
During the 24 months of the project implementation the following partners: ECQ Ltd. (BG) - private consulting company, CCI Vratsa -chamber of commerce (BG), MERIG - private research center (AT), AidLearn - consulting and HR company (PT), VAMK - university of applied sciences (FIN), KTU - regional science park (LT) and LearnPlay - foundation with rich experience in learning games (PT) will develop 3 main new products:
Curriculum (guiding companies and VET providers through the necessary skills and competences to be covered in the training), Open learning content for micro, small & medium enterprises and Guidelines for VET providers on the possible integration of the developed material in their already existing training courses.
The InnoWork project is seen as complementary to the previously implemented project I-CREATE, but also innovative as it will provide focused training for the target groups - SMEs and Research & Development organizations; Micro enterprises and VET providers which is not tackled in any other EU project. Thus the initiative has a bright geographical perspective in 9 European countries – Bulgaria, Ireland, Austria, Spain and Slovakia, United Kingdom, Portugal, Lithuania and Finland.
The Project partners have been selected so as to ensure wide coverage of the EU. In this way the project products will be translated and accessible into more EU languages and the project will achieve higher visibility.